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Welcome to the donation page of ⚠️ DANGER a feature length documentary film from Award-winning filmmaker Sandra Luckow, (SHARP EDGES, BELLY TALKERS, A WORLD WITHIN and THAT WAY MADNESS LIES..) Your  recurring tax-deductible contribution will help us to tell this incredible story. 

January 6th, 2021 already stands as a day that will live forever in our nation’s history. Many saw it coming, and many decided to do nothing. One person, however, had been speaking out and warning the public about the possibility of such an incident for years. Her name is Doctor Bandy X. Lee.


OUR STORY: You may have seen her on your favorite news channel, on social media feeds early on in the Trump presidency, and although she consistently and loudly predicted the dangers that would prompt the Capital riots, she was systematically ignored and vilified by her own affiliations and colleagues.
Back on October 3, 2017, Dr. Lee was thrust into the spotlight, her book The Danger Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrist and Mental Health Professionals Assess a President, becoming a New York Times best-seller with over 3 million copies sold. Although intended to be a professional journal, it was praised widely, with Lawrence O’ Donnell even calling it “A historic work in the history of psychiatry.”
Others, even within the psychiatric community, were not so kind. American Psychiatric Association past president Dr. Jeffrey Liberman wrote, in a New York Times Op-Ed, that even with the most prominent doctors in the field, the book amounted to “armchair observations” (NY Times Op-ed Jan.12, 2018) and led a campaign to muzzle her and others with an “enhanced” Goldwater Rule. Dr. Lee received death threats, and for a while she could only go out in public in disguise. Her inbox was constantly filled with anonymous expletive-laced emails that are racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic. Her zealous quest begs the question: Why is she willing to risk everything – her livelihood and even her life?
The film ⚠️ DANGER will explore Dr. Lee’s tempestuous rise to prominence through Donald Trump's presidency, revealing her own personal journey, as well as the journey of the country as a whole.


Your donation is tax deductible! ⚠️ DANGER is a fiscally sponsored project of the International Documentary Association (IDA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions in support of ⚠️ DANGER are payable to IDA and are tax deductible, less the value of any goods or services received, as allowed by law. The value of goods and services being offered is noted under each donation level. If you would like to deduct the entire donation you have the option to simply decline the reward at checkout.

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Warning: Danger! FAQ
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, we are a fiscally sponsored project of International Documentary Association , which is a public 501c3 organization recognized by the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permissible by law.

Allyra FAQ
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You will receive an emailed receipt immediately after your donation is submitted and your credit card is processed. Your donation will also show up on your bank or card statement within 1-3 business days.

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Yes, a receipt is sent to your email inbox once your donation is processed. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each period when your donation is processed.

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